Roundup: ‘Twas The Day After Christmas …

So there’s no such thing as Santa?

Well, how do you explain this:

For the past 4 years, Santa has posted on a Westport Facebook page. Parents can request him to come to their home. He visits as many as possible — greeting kids personally — on Christmas Eve (presumably before he does his chimney thing).

It’s amazing how much this Santa resembles Josh Philip — the Westport dad who volunteers his time as a PAL football commissioner.

Come to think of it, the Santa who appeared at the WestportMoms holiday event at The Porch at Christie’s looked a lot like Josh too.

But … nah.

Just a remarkable coincidence.


So there’s no such thing as Santa (Part 2):

Well, how do you explain this scene yesterday, on Compo Hill at Sterling Drive?

(Photo/Richard Fogel)

Clearly, the Big Guy was in the midst of work. Looks like his sleigh broke down, and he had to transfer all his toys to an auxiliary one.

Either that, or he saw the big blue Tyvek-wrapped house on Hillspoint, and just gave up.


After all the hustle and bustle of holiday shopping, this was the Main Street scene yesterday morning:

(Photo/Sal Liccione)

Today — 24 hours later — downtown is back to normal.

Just think of all those wrong size, wrong color, wrong style gifts to exchange!


A few hours later, Compo Beach was packed.

(Photo/Molly Alger)

The temperature was in the mid-50s. There was not a snowflake in sight.

Merry Climate Change Christmas!


Sorry to get all grinchy, just the day after the holiday.

But this was a “gift” someone left yesterday  at Winslow Park:

(Photo/Mark Mathias)

Really, someone? This is what you think of your park, your town, and everyone in it?

Too bad there are 364 days left until Christmas. Santa really needs to bring you some decent human values, and the basic concept of understanding that the world does not revolve around you alone.


Today’s “Westport … Naturally” image is a study in, well, nature, from Lansdowne Condominiums:

(Photo/Lauri Weiser)


And finally …Laura Lynch, a founding member of the Dixie Chicks, died in an automobile accident in Texas on Friday. She was 65.

Click here for a full obituary.

(Looking for a way to celebrate Boxing Day? Please click here to support “06880,” your hyper-local blog. Thank you!)


7 responses to “Roundup: ‘Twas The Day After Christmas …

  1. ‘Twas the night after Christmas when Santa made stop,
    There was Jenn Tooker for another photo op.
    There was Dancer and Prancer and Foti too,
    They’re always together like honey and glue.

  2. Gloria Gouveia

    Remember when the term “doggy bag” evoked a different image?

    Is a bag in holiday color supposed to be a gift?

  3. Just wanted to comment about the poop bags at Winslow park. I often go to other off leash dog parks/hikes in other towns and Westport is the ONLY place where I step in poop everytime I go and I see poop bags everywhere. It’s disgusting. Literally and also, so disrespectful. We are so lucky to have this place for our dogs to roam and play and I find it so interesting that in our town alone, our park is respected the least. And please stop
    with the stupid stuffed animals hanging in the trees. Can’t we please just enjoy pure nature?!

  4. Unfortunately, agree about both the poop bags and stupid stuffed animals in the trees!

  5. I now live in San Francisco. In summer, the beaches are packed like in Westport, but the water is too cold for anyone to go in.

  6. John, I was in San Diego one June and the ocean was freezing! However, at the other end of the pendulum, the ocean in Miami this summer reached 101 degrees! I used to love 90 degree ocean when I lived in Florida!