From Town Hall To The Transfer Station…

…trees are coming down all over Westport.

Here’s the scene this morning, when an alert “06880” reader dropped off some recycling:

Transfer station

No word on whether the trees were dead. They sure were not going to fall on any power lines.

The next focus may be the beach. As a planning committee looks at reconfiguring Compo, some trees — perhaps near the drop-off and Soundview lot, on the grassy field or along the median between the shore and parking lots — may be reconfigured. As in, removed.

Nothing has been decided yet. Keep watching. This story has legs — and roots.

10 responses to “From Town Hall To The Transfer Station…

  1. it was be outrageous to take down trees that came to us via a Federal/State grant called “America the Beautiful.” Some years ago, I wrote the application for that grant (twice) that planted 42 trees along the streets
    near the beach AND AT THE BEACH. The match was a “matching”
    grant, namely State/Federal funds paid for the trees AND we needed to plant the trees. A lot of thoughtful work went into that planting because the trees were of significant size: about 15′ AND because it was Public Works and Highway Departments busiest time: Spring. Only one of those trees on the streets by the beach has not survived.

  2. Diane should be the Assistant Tree Warden of Westport.
    She is observant, reasonable, and knows her trees.
    The current driving and parking spots rright now are fine. the cars provide a bit of privacy to the grills and the sunbathers. Angle the parking from the cannons to the bath house. Make the entrance intelligently huge and leave the ballpark where it is.. KISS

  3. Sally Campbell Palmer

    Everyone better get up to date fast on what is being proposed for the beach. If trees get in the way of “the plan”, they will be removed. Most perimeter parking will be removed…i.e. everone will have to schlep whatever they bring from the central parking areas, including South Beach picnicers, and boaters at the Ned Dimes boat basin. Whoever is making these plans must not use the beach.

  4. Ruth Kalla Ungerer

    This is getting very sad. The picture of the tree in front of Town Hall was particularly disturbing. We have such beautiful foliage in Westport. Are we sure that there aren’t any ways to treat trees with some disease and save them. That;s what we try to do on our own property.

  5. In addition to the trees inside the area of the transfer station, the town cut down about a dozen or so 75 foot white pines bordering the transfer station and Sherwood Farms Lane neighborhood to make it easier for the town to maintain the newly installed solar panels on top of the salt house. This was done without notice to anyone. Isn’t this a violation of some state or local law?

  6. Gloria Gouveia

    As I recall from my tenure as Zoning Administrator at the time the Transfer Station was constructed, the planting of the white pines bordering the transfer station and Sherwood Farms were/are a condition and requirement of the Special Permit and zoning permit that approved the construction of the Transfer Station.
    The removal of landscape features approved and/or required as a condition of a Special Permit, Site Plan approval or Zoning Permit, is a zoning violation and subject to enforcement by the Planning & Zoning Commission and staff.

    • Thanks for the feedback Gloria. I would imagine the installation of the solar panels also would be subject to planning and zoning approval. I can’t believe the solar panels would be approved without any notice to the Sherwood Farms Association, which is what occurred.

  7. Gloria: Good for you ! Good memory. Do ya think anything will happen ?

    • Gloria Gouveia

      Yes, but only in response to a formal complaint submitted to the Planning & Zoning Department.
      The P&ZC Chairman recently targeted enhanced zoning enforcement as an important goal and objective for the Commission’s action in 2014.
      According to current department policy, only violations cited by named complaintants will be investigated by the enforcement staff.