“06880” Podcast: Dave Briggs

In a town filled with interesting people, Dave Briggs still stands out.

He’s a longtime national broadcaster with CNN, NBC Sports, Fox News and Turner Sports. He still does media work, but has branched out into business – with Cann Social Tonic, a drink micro-dosed with THC and CBD. He’s fully immersed in town activities, as (among other things) a Westport Library board member and Fashionably Westport MC.

Our wide-ranging chat last week at the Library ranged from national politics and the media to kids (he has 3), his varied career, and — notably — his passion for all things Westport.

Click below to watch. The half hour will fly by.


2 responses to ““06880” Podcast: Dave Briggs

  1. Awesome Dan. Dave thank you for all you do Westport! It is always great to see your vibrant energy in helping promote our local businesses.

    Keep up the good work!

  2. Ciara webster.

    Hmmmmm.. Dave Briggs sits on the DPIC committee. Not that, that, is his fault. I don’t suppose he canvassed for the job. DPIC for those who may not be familiar is the committee hand picked by the first selectwoman with the goal of destroying all downtown businesses. Because like it or not the Parker Harding plan unless it changes radically is every retail business owners worst nightmare.
    It’s every resident wishing to go downtowns worst nightmare.
    It is a waste of time and money.
    It is the literal opposite of what our vibrant, busy, downtown needs.
    So why on gods green earth the DPIC committee has proposed one more ludicrous plan after the next is beyond me.
    I certainly would not be a proud or happy member of an anti business committee.
    It is not a good look.