Online Art Gallery #195

Ken Runkel opens the door to 2024.

Now our artists just have to walk on through.

This year — as we’ve done every week since this feature began, early in the pandemic — we welcome all kinds of submissions.

Watercolors, oils, charcoal, pen-and-ink, acrylics, lithographs, collages, macramé, jewelry, sculpture, decoupage, needlepoint — whatever you’ve got.

Email it to Share your work with the world! (PS: Please include the medium you’re working in — art lovers want to know.)

Age, level of experience, subject matter — there are no restrictions. Everyone is invited to contribute.

“Open Door Policy” (Ken Runkel)

Untitled (Kathleen Burke)

“1912 Model T — Touring.” Photographer Peter Barlow says, “despite Henry Ford’s famous line, ‘You can have any color you like as long as it’s black,’ there were red ones.  Also green and blue.”

“Just Out of the Bath” (Lawrence Weisman)

“Will it Ever Snow Again in 06880” (Steve Stein). Hey Steve: Maybe today!

(Entrance is free to our online art gallery. But please consider a donation! Just click here — and thank you!)

2 responses to “Online Art Gallery #195

  1. Amy Schneider

    Ken, I read that you have an exhibit at the Westport Book Shop. I am eager to see it!

  2. WOW! It actually did finally snow in 06880 on 1/6/24!!