Pic Of The Day #2332

Lanternfly and Frederic Chiu share a Compo Beach sunset. (Photo/Jeanine Esposito)

4 responses to “Pic Of The Day #2332

  1. that’s the biggest lantern fly I’ve seen !

  2. Great shot Jeanine! Beautiful and ominous.
    Marjorie and I loved seeing you tonight. Hello to Frederic. See you at The Hive.

  3. These gifts from China are no joke!
    They will decimate the beautiful green of most of our trees and destroy many native plants and even crops and fruit trees.
    In the US Northeast these buggers must be stopped before the problem becomes insurmountable like the Japanese Bark Beetle that has already destroyed millions of acres of forests in the northwest and Canada.
    There are now on market some safer spray on treatments that will kill these voracious destroyers.
    Check your yards and your trees and plants for these infestations and spray werever their nests and nymphs are found.

    These must be stopped now before they get their numbers in the billions and turn Connecticut brown and barren!

    Read up on these damaging insects and learn how to spot their infestations and help erradicate them.

  4. I’ve been reading and hearing how bad lantern flies are for our environment and that we should kill them if we see any. They’re beautiful but damaging . Ray Brody above says it much better than l can.