“06880 On The Go”: Lifeguard Edition

Like everyone else in town, “06880” loves the beach.

The other day Andrew Brennan — our summer intern — headed to Compo. He spent some time chatting with the lifeguards (during their breaks, of course), to learn more about their jobs.

What do they like? What don’t they like? What do they do, besides sit in a chair, survey the Sound and get tan?

Click below for the latest installment of “06880 On The Go.”


One response to ““06880 On The Go”: Lifeguard Edition

  1. charles taylor

    Loved this post Dan. I spent the summer of 1965 as a lifeguard at Compo and surrounding beaches in Westport. A great experience. I wish I could find a picture of our crew. I didn’t take a picture of our group.