
Once upon a time, it was called “the dump.”

For many years though, the place where Westporters drop trash has been called — more elegantly — the “transfer station.” Systems and procedures — not to mention huge, dedicated areas for a variety of refuse — make it a much more orderly place than one simply piled high with garbage.

Yesterday though, it looked once again like a dump.

Was it post-Hurricane Ida refuse? Bad timing? A sudden onset of rude behavior?

The transfer station is a place to deposit — carefully — our unwanted “stuff.”

It’s also a community center — a place to meet neighbors, and chat for a moment or two.

The employees there are helpful, friendly, efficient and knowledgeable.

Let’s clean up our act!

(Photos/Pam Barkentin)


7 responses to “Dump!

  1. Dick Lowenstein

    The transfer station was closed on Wednesday. And possibly on Thursday, too, because of Ida. What you saw on Friday was likely two days worth of accumulated garbage.

  2. Stephen Axthelm

    And speaking of “stuff”, I’m reminded of George Carlin’s great soliloquy on the subject https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4x_QkGPCL18

    • Barbara Sherburne '67

      Thanks, Stephen. I read Brain Droppings a few months ago, and for some reason the section on “Stuff” was much funnier in the book. I had tears running down my face because I was laughing so hard.

  3. amy Chenette van arsdale

    I love the folks at our transfer station! Thanks gentleman for all your hard work! 🌻 Amy

  4. Thomas L. Broadbent

    The trash hopper/compactor broke just as everybody was bringing storm damaged stuff after, as Dick noted, closure due to storm. I have never seen it like that before. I agree with Amy, those guys are great!

  5. No don’t go nuts. I was there. Before jumping to generalized conclusions (aka Fake News), I’d like to hear more from the Public Works management. To me, this appeared to be an extraordinary event…perhaps a mechanical breakdown but, nevertheless, not routine. Can we have an explanation from someone in authority?

  6. I was there yesterday and was told by the man in the orange shirt that there a vehicle or machine had suffered a mechanical breakdown. Despite the mess, the dump was still fairly organized. Props to the workers for doing their best in a bad situation.