Pic Of The Day #822

On Tuesday night, 8-year-old Finn Cummings had the whole world — or at least the big orange moon — in his hands (Photo/Mandy Cummings)

9 responses to “Pic Of The Day #822

  1. Incredible!

  2. That’s cool!!

  3. Doris Levinson

    Absolutely amazing. Pure magic.

  4. Here come ‘de Son

  5. Mary Cookman Schmerker

    Just wonderful. ! For many reasons this is the perfect picture for me to see at the end of this particular day.

  6. Michael Calise


  7. Scott Kuhner

    That is the best picture all year

  8. Roberta Tager

    A classic! Adorable!

    Sent from my iPhone


  9. David Squires

    Excellent Pix! Particularly with the Anniversary of the Apollo Mission at hand!
    Shoot For The Moon!!!