Playhouse Square Solves Parking Problems

It took the intervention of a powerful force — Mother Nature — but the beleaguered Playhouse Square shopping center finally solved its crowded parking issues.

At least for today.

Playhouse Square 1

Of course, most stores did not benefit from the open spaces. They were closed.

The new Granola Bar was open — until 2:30. Business was slow. But it was warm inside — so toasty, in fact, that young Ryland romped around in shorts:

Playhouse Square 2 - Ryland

The post office was open too. So now there’s no excuse for not mailing that Valentine’s Day card today.

Unless, that is, you wanted to park right in front…

Westport Post Office

Meanwhile, nearby was a scene that will look all too familiar the rest of today.

And tomorrow. And…

Playhouse Square 4

3 responses to “Playhouse Square Solves Parking Problems

  1. Am I hallucinating or is that car in the last pix parked on the sidewalk?

  2. Nancy Hunter Wilson

    Well, at least that flag is still flying. Priorities.

  3. Dan, I’ve been enjoying the posts about the parking lot that has been a problem long before the Post Office took residence.
    My company used to deliver fruit and salads to Derma Clinic daily and you wouldn’t believe the conflicts with entitled drivers even then almost10 years ago. I could go on…..