LWV Rocks “My Town/My Vote”

Last November, 15,223 Westporters went to the polls. That’s 83% of all registered town voters.

The year before, turnout was 6,306: just 37%.

The difference, of course, was that last year Barack Obama and Mitt Romney were on the ballot. In 2011, Westporters voted for candidates for the Boards of Education and Finance, and the Planning and Zoning Commission.

Not nearly as glamorous. But, one could argue, local elections affect us far more than national ones.

LWV my town my voteTo amp up enthusiasm, the League of Women Voters has relaunched its My Town/My Vote campaign.

Through Back to School Nights, a Facebook page and a train station blitz, they tell Westporters that 1) there is an election soon, and 2) every vote counts.

Of course, voters need more info than a jillion road signs to make up their minds.

On Facebook (Westport: MyTown My Vote), the League has posted information on voter registration, polling places and absentee ballots.

This coming week, the League will post its annual Voters’ Guide (click here). Candidates for first and second selectman; the P&Z; Boards of Finance, Education and Assessment Appeals; the Zoning Board of Appeals — and all 47 candidates for the Representative Town Meeting (RTM) — will describe their approaches to land use, property taxes, schools, recreation, security, quality of life and more.

Copies will appear in Thursday’s Minuteman, and be available at the library, Senior Center and Town Hall.  A MyTownMyVote team will hand out extra copies at the train station Friday morning.

The guide is the only election-related material that voters can bring with them to the polls on November 5.

Then again — despite the barrage of road signs, mailings and advertisements — it may be the only info anyone needs.

6 responses to “LWV Rocks “My Town/My Vote”

  1. Bobbie Herman

    My Grandmother, who was an immigrant, told me that voting was not a privilege, but a duty. She told me of the millions of people around the world who had died for the right to vote. I have never missed a vote since I was old enough, and never intend to. I can’t understand people throwing away their rights.

  2. Maxine Bleiweis

    And for anyone who votes in RTM district 9, the polling location has been changed to the Westport Library. A good way to combine voting with other library offerings.

  3. Ellen Greenberg

    Dan, for those of us who are involved but forgetful, please repost this on Halloween when the LWV info is posted. Thanks

  4. Jo Ann Davidson

    My first vote was for Eisenhauer in 1952 and I haven’t missed one yet. The local races are important and interesting because the candidates meet you at the store, at the dump, at your door. You can ask questions and hold them accountable. The LWV works hard to get everyone registered and informed. ” Voting is not a spectator sport.”

  5. link not working for me… 404