Years In The Making

You’re sure to hear more about it in the weeks ahead.  But for now, save the date:  Sunday, November 8, 7 p.m. at Town Hall.

That’s when Westporters can see a remarkable new film:  “Years in the Making.”  In just 66 minutes, it pays homage to Westport’s heritage as an arts colony.  It honors 50 Westport and Weston artists, in mediums ranging from oil and charcoal to sculpture, photography and printmaking.

Jean Woodham, 81 (Photo by Kristin Rasich Fox)

Jean Woodham, 81 (Photo by Kristin Rasich Fox)

But it does far more.  All of the artists are over 70 — some well into their 90s.  But as they talk about their art and their lives — their educations, their careers, their creative processes and the lessons they’ve learned from it all — they serve as inspirations for us all.

This is a film about Westport and art, sure, but it’s also about the power of passion, and the potential we all have to keep getting better at whatever we do, every day of our lives.

Filmmaker Martin West — with great help from Ann Chernow, Kristin Rasich Fox and Ada Lambert — has created a work that anyone can relate to, and everyone should see.  There’s more to come — the finished product will include separate hour-long interviews and studio tours with each artist (50 DVDs in all) — but for now, mark your calendars for November 8.

“Years in the Making” has been years in the making — 90-plus, in some cases.  The wait is definitely worth it.

(An exhibit of the 50 artists’ recent works runs through September 7 at the Westport Historical Society.)

The hands of Howard Munce, 92 (Photo by Kristin Rasich Fox)

The artistic hands of Howard Munce, 92 (Photo by Kristin Rasich Fox)

2 responses to “Years In The Making

  1. Linda Gramatky Smith

    Along with some others in local Westport groups, I have seen snippets of the video shot so far, and it is more moving and inspiring than anyone can imagine! Painters (oil, watercolor, drawings), sculptors, artists of so many media — and one wants to know more about these fantastic people. Thanks for mentioning the current exhibit at the Westport Historical Society about how the film was made — great to see — and I can’t wait until November 8th to see the premiere! We’re all in for such a treat.

  2. My husband, Dale and I feel so privileged to be associated with these outstanding, working artist talents and are so anxious to see the final results.
    The tireless work that made all this happen from such dedicated and intelligent people is really, truly amazing. APPLAUD, APPLAUD, APPLAUD !!!!!