Painting The Town Yellow!

Debra Kandrak’s one-woman crusade to paint the town yellow is paying off beautifully.

Every autumn for 5 years, she has used a wide variety of outlets — social media, emails, and of course “06880” — to encourage Westporters to plant daffodils.

She brings her message to friends, strangers, town organizations and committees and businesses.

Her ask is simple: “Paint the Town Yellow.”

Every spring around this time, we are blessed with the results of her — and their — work.

This year, the gorgeous yellow flowers are everywhere.

From neighborhoods like Greens Farms to the Westport Library, around mailboxes and street signs, by the Cribari Bridge, in traffic islands and at the entrances to Staples High and Bedford Middle Schools, Debra’s yeowoman efforts pay off for all of us.

As perennials, each year brings more and more explosions of color. Here are just a few examples of Debra’s efforts:

Debra Kandrak’s driveway, in Greens Farms

Cross Highway and Bayberry Lane

Assumption Church 

Saugatuck Elementary School

Adams Academy

Long Lots Road at Morningside Drive North

Parent Child Center, Hillspoint Road

Roseville Road

Exxon gas station, Post Road and Maple Lane South

Hockanum Road

Debra Kandrak’s own traffic island: Greens Farms and Prospect Roads (All photos/Debra Kandrak)

(“06880” is often inspired by Westport’s beauty. If you’re inspired by our hyper-local blog, please click here to contribute. Thank you!)

5 responses to “Painting The Town Yellow!

  1. Never gets old. Hat tip to Ms Kandrak

  2. Mary Ann Hyzynski

    Everyone enjoys the daffs. Way to go Debra!

  3. Hi Debra, I remember when we were on the Beautification Committee and you had this goal of “Paint The Town Yellow”.
    You did a wonderful job! I’m so proud that I can see the fruits of your labor. Congratulations.

  4. Joyce Barnhart

    Thank you, Ms. Kandrak. The dafs are a beautiful way to start spring.

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