Roundup: MLK Day, Old Mill Seawall …


SHow did your child celebrate Martin Luther King Day?

Students in MoCA Westport’s MLK Day Art Camp for ages pre-K through grade 3 created projects honoring the teachings and legacy of the civil rights leader.

According to MoCA’s Leslie LaSala, youngsters learned that “King believed our lives must be lived intentionally and without regret; that words have meaning, and that we must speak up against injustice.”

MoCA offers a variety of school recess art camps. The next is set for February break.

Learning about Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., at MoCA’s holiday camp.


Rick Benson writes:

“If Burying Hill is being evaluated for a jetty replacement, please don’t forget the sea wall at Old Mill. It has been breached in 3 places for several years. The center section looks like it could collapse, as so many stones have been washed out.”

Rick sent this photo from yesterday morning, as the tide flowed in.

(Photo/Rick Benson)

Rick adds: “The ‘fishing pier[ separating Compo Beach from South beach was ravaged by the last 2 years of winter storms, moving huge boulders way out of alignment. It starts just west of the cannons, all the way to the end.”


Three serene swans in the Sound highlight today’s “Westport … Naturally” feature:

(Photo/Jonathan Prager)


And finally … in 1788, the first elements 736 convicts from Great Britain arrived in what was to become the penal colony in Australia.

4 responses to “Roundup: MLK Day, Old Mill Seawall …

  1. Regarding old Mill, the wall that people walk on closest to the gate looks to be floating if you look very carefully during low tide you can see water leaving the old mill pond into the sound or channel area.. At one point or another that thing could just go bye-bye then you’ll be a real problem

  2. Repairing that wall should be a no brainer and be addressed as soon as the Town can do it. Maybe one can’t in winter, I don’t know.

  3. PS condition of Compo Marina wall unsafe with out doubt. It’s also a great place for an ankle twister due to holes made as the wall separates from the land.

  4. Rick Benson is correct. And the two problems that he references are easy inexpensive fixes that should be addressed.