Photo Challenge #360

Readers feasted on last week’s Photo Challenge.

June Rose Whittaker’s image showed the geodesic dome-like “igloos” that warm — and protect — outdoor diners at Rizzuto’s. (Click here to see.)

It’s a very visible location: Riverside Avenue, at the head of the Cribari Bridge.

It’s a popular restaurant too. No wonder so many of you quickly got it.

A “tip” (of the hat — not the wallet) to Seth Schachter, Martha Press, Janet Freedman, Lauren Schiller, Julia Broder, Barry Cass, Gloria Smithson, Nancy Engel, Janice Strizever, Andrew Colabella, Molly Alger, Fred Cantor, Karen Como, Michael Calise, Tom Risch, Pete Powell, Seth Braunstein, Phil Kann, Juliana Sloane Fulbright, Linda V. Velez, Werner Liepolt, Jo Kirsch, Shirlee Gordon, Peter Tucker, Patricia Auber, Abby Tolan and Sara Palmer.

Is this week’s Photo Challenge tougher?

You be the judge. And if you know where in Westport you’d see this, click “Comments” below.

(Photo/Molly Alger)


10 responses to “Photo Challenge #360

  1. Baron’s South?

  2. it’s the old fountain in the back yard at the Baron’s old brick house

  3. Baron’s property

  4. Wendy Crowther

    Yep, all are correct above.

  5. Chip Stephens SHS 73

    Back patio off glass porch at Golden Shadows Da Barrons

  6. Golden Shadows back yard

  7. Lynn Untermeyer Miller

    Behind the house, Baron’s South

  8. Dick Lowenstein

    Editorial comment: : It’s the neglected fountain on the Baron’s property, behind Golden Shadows.

  9. The fountain behind Golden Shadows

  10. Additional editorial comment: it’s the neglected fountain behind the neglected Golden Shadows mansion which is situated within the neglected
    town-owned open space parcel once considered a public park but now largely clearcut, overrun by invasives and utilized for government sanctioned illegal dumping of contaminated fill. Cheers!