And Now … “06880: The Podcast”: Thomas Scarice

Westport is full of interesting people. Every day since 2009, I’ve told their stories in “06880.”

But hey, this is 2021. It’s time to spread my wings. Let’s add some audio and video to those stories!

Thanks to a partnership with the Westport Library — and their state-of-the-art Verso Studios — today we launch “06880: The Podcast.”

Every other Monday, we’ll release a new casual conversation with one of the many people who make this such an intriguing town. We’ll talk about what got (and kept) them here; what they love (and don’t like) about this place; what they do, how they do it, and what it all means here and in the world.

My first guest is Tom Scarice. Nine months into his gig as superintendent of schools, he chats candidly, passionately (and with humor) about his decision to sign on in the middle of a pandemic; his goals for the district; students and staff today, and how education will change in the future.

I’ll post a new podcast every other Monday, at noon. It will be available simultaneously on the Westport Library website.

Watch or listen at your leisure. Enjoy “06880: The Podcast” — the newest way in which “Westport meets the world.”

12 responses to “And Now … “06880: The Podcast”: Thomas Scarice

  1. WOO HOO! Awesome news Dan!

  2. Annette Norton

    Thank you for all that you do!!

  3. Bruce Miller

    Break a leg!

    • Thanks, Bruce! Great sentiment to hear from someone associated with the Westport Country Playhouse … though not one that’s often extended to a soccer coach! 🙂

  4. Erik Østbye

    Dan, congrats on your new venture, the 06880 podcast. I loved your first interview with the superintendent. Look forward to more episodes. Keep up the good work for the community. You are an important part of the mosaic the makes up the 06880 community.

  5. Roseann Spengler

    Terrific superintendent interview, Dan.
    Congrats on the podcast. Can’t wait to watch what’s up next.

  6. Gloria Gouveia


  7. Patricia McMahon

    Fantastic Dan!!

  8. Totney Benson


  9. Jim Honeycutt

    Dan. Congratulations! Great idea! Keep growing! Keep learning! I have been after Zito for years to use his great knowledge of American folk music and radio to do a podcast too. It seems like a great fit for all of your talents. Looking forward to hearing more! Cheers!

  10. Ellen Naftalin

    Great news Dan. Congratulations. We will be tuning in.

  11. Cherie Quain

    Break a leg, Dan!