Friday Flashback #171

Last week’s Friday Flashback — an aerial view of downtown from the 1930s — drew a number of comments.

Readers noted the old Saugatuck River bridge, and wondered if vessels passed beneath it. They talked about the importance of maritime commerce to the growth of downtown, and mentioned the majesty of National Hall.

And they commented on the trolleys that once rolled along the Post Road.

The photo inspired alert “06880” reader Chip Stephens to send along this painting.

For many years, it hung in Dr. Peter Ferrara’s dental office here.

Drawn by Al Willmott — a noted illustrator in the late 20th century — it shows a Westport from decades earlier.

It’s all there: National Hall. The bridge. A merchant ship.

And — my favorite — the trolley.

14 responses to “Friday Flashback #171

  1. Chip Stephens SHS 73

    FYI, Dr Ferrara has a great new office in Shelton with his daughter joining him in practice. I took the picture of the painting while getting some work done, he and his staff are great !

  2. Wonderful bridge. Today’s version meets the demands of the time but feels coldly clinical and seems overscaled relative to the setting.

  3. We could use that trolley again.
    It could run all day from Main Street
    to the train station.

  4. Patrick Kennedy

    Thanks Dan! It doesn’t get any better then this. Keep it going and our best to you for the holidays. Patrick and Sarah Kennedy

    Sent from my iPhone


  5. Just curious . What was the original use of the National Hall building.

  6. It was a big event when the bank was robbed while in the Hall. Many years ago now. Wish I could offer more details but maybe the Historical Society has them.

    • Further to my comment. I believe it was Westport Bank and Trust intheHall that was robbed. Before they moved down town.

  7. nice painting!

  8. Bonnie Bradley

    Wonderful painting! I’ve never seen it before.

  9. Bonnie Bradley

    Wonderful painting! I’ve never seen it before.

  10. After some thinking I seem to recall that it was Westport Bank and Trust that was in the Hall and was robbed. Must have taken over the space of First National Bank

  11. Somewhere out there is another painting my father did of the Post Road/Main Street intersection in the good ol’ days. No idea where it ended up!