Friday Flashback #149

First communion at Assumption Church, 1959 or ’60.

The fashions, cars and number of kids making communion has changed over the years.

The Riverside Avenue neighborhood has not.

7 responses to “Friday Flashback #149

  1. Patricia Driscoll

    Could it be confirmation rather than first communion?

  2. Peter Gambaccini

    It’s communion. They’re too young for confirmation.

  3. John Backiel

    My communion was in 1956 and somewhere we have home movies of the event!

  4. Melinda Hemson

    I made my first communion at Assumption in 1978. I went to school there as well.
    In any case, those dresses look almost identical to the one I wore so the fashion didn’t change that much in 18/19 years. (Unless maybe I had a hand-me-down from one of my aunts?)

  5. Melinda Hemson

    To add to my previous post, I just texted this picture to my aunt. It was definitely 1960. This was her first communion. She is in the picture towards the back.