Unsung Hero #36

On Super Bowl Sunday, alert “06880” reader Beth Saunders asked her husband to run to Whole Foods for cilantro. (You know: guacamole.)

He had just played squash. Not until he left the store did he notice his wallet had fallen out of his gym pants.

He headed back inside. Someone had already turned it in — with $500 still inside.

He told Beth the story. She peppered him with questions.

“Who do you think was so kind? An employee? A shopper? A woman? Didn’t you ask? Who was at the desk? And who carries $500 in their wallet?”

There were still no answers.

So, Beth says, “I’m just throwing out a ‘thank you’ to the universe.”

We don’t know who this week’s Unsung Hero is. But as John Wooden said, “The true test of a man’s character is what he does when no one is looking.”

Or she.

7 responses to “Unsung Hero #36

  1. Oh my gosh! Such a relief to read this story, especially after the whole “Main Street” drama (a never-ending novela, actually), of earlier today.

    I’m actually trying to grow cilantro in my kitchen window….seems a little too delicate for my skills at this point but I intend to persevere ‘cos my family loves the ‘guac’ as well…any ol’ day of the week.

    But about our Unsung Hero, our Good Samaritan, it’s almost sad that the ‘right thing to do’ becomes newsworthy but that speaks to the fact that we all need to hear that good news, in copious amounts—even more than the guacamole!


  2. Mary Cookman Schmerker Staples '58

    Especially in today’s “climate” truer words were never spoken. “The true test of a persons character is what they do when no one is looking.”
    About Cilantro….. It is very hard to grow, especially in a window. Keep trying.

  3. Nice story, but what struck me is why we need special praise for simply doing the right thing? Why is returning something to it’s rightful owner considered “So Kind”? Certainly, any honorable person would do the this…Anyone else is a thief.

  4. Yes, a nice story that goes to the core problem of distrust and insinuation.

  5. Barbara Sherburne '67

    A few years ago I somehow dropped $80 out of my tiny shoulder purse. I realized it when I was in Stop & Shop in Wallingford with a friend of mine when I wanted to pay for her groceries. I dumped out the contents of my little tiny purse, and the $80 was gone. So then we went to customer service and explained my loss. It turned out that a good Samaritan had turned the money in to customer service. I could not believe it. After posting this on Facebook in Wallingford CT Community Forum, with the name, someone let me know that the person who turned my money in was a retired police officer from Meriden. I of course called him and thanked him, and was crying at the time. There are good people still out there. Thanks for posting this story, Dan.

  6. Rich Vogel has nailed it, I think. The honest, RIGHT thing, when done, is so damned rare, it gets the headlines….quite a omment on us.

  7. Dan,
    I once found someones purse at whole foods!
    I sure hope that they got it back!