Progress Report: Beach Walkway Almost Done

Earth-movers and concrete-spreaders were quiet this weekend.

But they’ll be back in action Tuesday, putting the final touches on Compo Beach’s new sidewalk.

Compo Beach - May 29, 2016

There’s still a ways to go. Yet hundreds of beachgoers were out in today’s summer-like weather. The completed portion is getting plenty of use — making the parking lot (which itself has not been completed) much safer.

Meanwhile, a newly planted tree near the bathhouses signals what’s ahead.

Compo Beach - May 29, 2016 - 2

The renovation work is a far cry from the original proposal.

Here’s the key: It works.

5 responses to “Progress Report: Beach Walkway Almost Done

  1. Laurel Sheck

    Personally I question that this is safer. Who excels at parellel parking? It cuts the # of parking spaces considerably, and the traffic will be horrific while waiting for people to parellel park. A recent 06880 column highlighted parking in downtown Westport, suggesting the “straight in” parking practiced successfully in neighboring Fairfield and Westchester towns. Unless I’m missing something, this latest change will prove to be a very expensive epic fail.

    • The parking will not change. They’re taking a small bit of land out of the center grassy island — where people have been parallel parking for decades — and essentially moving both the head-in parking (near the sand) and the parallel parking (near the island) back a few feet. Don’t worry. It’s all good.

  2. Mariana Servin

    It’s great that the original beauty of Compo was preserved!! Visiting yesterday, however, I wondered…. Why don’t we plant more trees? I think it’s sad that the one large grassy area where the boats park has now been covered with asphalt gravel… Why asphalt over grass? Why Dont we plant more trees for cooler temperatures locally and globally not just at Compo but everywhere development is taking place in town?

  3. Right now without the cars by the beach it is much prettier. Nice to see the water and the beach without the cars.