Welcome Home!

Nothing says “Westport” more than the Black Duck.

The Duck — site of numerous Westport Little League all-star-watching parties this summer — hosted the team when they (finally!) returned home tonight.

Westport Little league - Black Duck

Photo by Rob Stone

The boys have been on the road for weeks: first Bristol for the state and New England championships, then Williamsport for the Little League World Series.

They come back to earth — and go back to school — Tuesday.

But first — at 5 p.m. tomorrow (Monday) — there’s a parade down Main Street.

Just your usual hometown event. With the governor, at least one US senator, and our congressman.

Welcome back, boys!

2 responses to “Welcome Home!

  1. Congratulations to all of you on your phenomenal achievement.
    We are very proud of what you have accomplished and you will always be an inspiration to all of us who watched you put your heart and soul into each and every game!

    Well done! 🙂

  2. Eric William Buchroeder

    Dan, I thought you would have said: “Nothing says “Westport” more than Staples High.” But then again, school was closed so I guess it is “The Duck.”