Metro Swimshop Paddles To Norwalk

Metro Swimshop — located for years on Church Lane — is moving a couple of miles west.  The new location is 181 Westport Ave. (Route 1), Norwalk.

Soon, Y swimmers who forget their Speedos, goggles or ear plugs won’t be able to walk across the street for replacements.

Of course, in a couple of years forgetful swimmers will be in the same boat anyway.

Unless, that is, the Y opens up a swim shop of its own.  With all that extra space, they could be the Mitchells of waterwear.

3 responses to “Metro Swimshop Paddles To Norwalk

  1. The Dude Abides


  2. Pingback: Urban Outfitters Comes To Suburbia | 06880

  3. “swim shops” are all over priced anyway, I get mine at Costco for 20 bucks!