Tag Archives: Gault Field

Friday Flashback #228

Westport knows John Videler as a brilliant photographer. He’s carrying on the tradition started by his father Cor, many years ago.

And we know the Gault area — between Imperial Avenue and South Compo — as a tight-knit neighborhood, filled with handsome homes.

But for many decades, it was a gravel pit. Gault — the company founded in Westport in 1863 — owned it. Every day from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., a crusher pulverized rocks.

In 1979, John was 16 years old. His father had given him his first camera. He headed to the gravel pit, not far from his home.

Today, John’s photos chronicle the beauty of our town. Four decades ago, he showed how we worked.

BONUS GAULT FEATURE: Across the street from the gravel pit — right on the river — was Gault Little League Field.

It took a mighty swing to clear the fence. 

But if you did, the ball ended up across Imperial Avenue, in the pit.

The Marauders, at Gault Park.