Long Lots Honors A Champion Grad

“06880” intern Talia Varsano writes:

For most Westport students, Friday was just one day closer to the end of the school year.

At Long Lots Elementary School, it was a chance to celebrate a national champion.

And a Long Lots alum.

Hundreds of kids — wearing Michigan hats, t-shirts and sweatshirts — gathered in the auditorium to welcome football hero Jake Thaw.

They honored the 2023 NCAA football national champion, chanting “Jake Thaw! Jake Thaw! Jake Thaw!” as he walked across the stage.

The wide receiver and punt returner greeted his former physical education teacher Mark Carmody, who asked him questions submitted by students.

They ranged from what his typical day looks like, to whether he likes syrup on or off his pancakes (on, he said).

The afternoon began with a montage showing Thaw playing football and basketball at Long Lots, Bedford Middle School and Staples High, then catching passes for the Wolverines.

Thaw said, “I’m 22 now. Coming back here, I have memories of being with my friends and doing things like walking through the halls, recesses, lunch — and Mr. Carmody’s classes of course.”

Carmody reminded the students of the book “What Would You Do With a Chance,” which they all read. It features a child who is afraid to take a chance, and misses out on opportunities.

Jake noted that when you have a dream, “take the chance. Take a crack at it.”

“Jake Thaw Day,” at Long Lots Elementary School.

“Who in here wants to play professional sports?” he asked. More than half the auditorium raised their hands.

“I believe you all can do it,” he said.

In addition to leading his Staples football and baseball teams as captain, Jake was named to the all-state academic team. He was also a News12 scholar-athlete.

“It’s not all just being a good athlete to play at a great college,” he said.

“You also have to be well rounded and work hard in school.”

Jake Thaw, with Long Lots friends (and Leo the Lion). (Photos and video/Talia Varsano)

One child asked Thaw if he gets nervous before games.

“Understand, whether it’s a football game or a game at recess, it’s normal to have anxiety,” Jake said.

“But the more you prepare for the moment, everything blacks out, and you’ll be ready to roll.”

His visit neared an end with a proclamation making May 24 “Jake Thaw Day.” A banner in his honor will hang in the school gym.

The students, along with school mascot Leo the Lion — and Jake — ended the afternoon by singing Long Lots’ spirit song.

Jake Thaw

(“06880” proudly covers the achievements of Staples High School graduates — and those of all other Westport schools. If you enjoy those stories, please click here to support our work. Thank you!)

2 responses to “Long Lots Honors A Champion Grad

  1. As Michigan alums and long time Westporters, we were so pleased to cheer for Jake during his Michigan career. We haven’t had the pleasure of meeting him, but were so proud to call him “ours!” Best wishes to you Jake in your next chapter. Go Blue! 💙💛

  2. The LL Lion used to be named Panthera Leo.

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