Forest Needs A Home

On Saturday, this little guy created quite a stir in Westport.

He was first spotted near the Sherwood Island Connector (where it is suspected he was abandoned) in the early morning hours.

He led Westport Animal Control Officer Peter Reid all around town. Compo North, Long Lots, downtown — Forest was everywhere.

Peter was assisted by Westport Police, and several residents. While they came close, they could not catch him.

Over the next few days he was spotted in Fairfield, Easton and Trumbull. Meanwhile, Peter maintained communications with concerned residents.

Peter requested the assistance of Connecticut Dog Gone Recovery.Flyers were disseminated throughout statewide, through social media.

Finally, last night in Shelton, his odyssey ended.

He had established a 2-mile route that enabled skilled individuals to set a trap. Melissa Carpenter and Jill Bishop captured him, and named him Forest (for obvious reasons).

He spent the night at the Melissa’s home. This morning she contacted Officer Reid, who had advocated for his return to Westport for shelter and recovery.

This morning Melissa, Peter and Julie Loparo of Westport Animal Shelter Advocates met at Schulhof Animal Hospital. They immediately offered to provide any needed vet care (which will be funded by WASA).

Forest with Westport Animal Control Officer Peter Reid, and Melissa Carpenter of Dog Gone Recovery. 

Forest is friendly — though a little shy, tentative and very tired. He is being examined today: vaccines, blood work, and ultimately, neutering surgery. He has already been found to have heartworm.

Amazingly his paw pads are quite healthy, despite his adventure.

With no owner coming forward, Forest will need a new forever family — one that will love him, and keep him secure and safe.

If interested, email Click here to make a donation for Forest’s care. Click here to donate to CT Dog Gone Recovery.


3 responses to “Forest Needs A Home

  1. Thank you for sharing this story. It will make the puppy’s life so much better.

  2. Karen Jennings

    Thank you and you bless Peter , Mellisa and Jill for all you did for forest. You are all awesome ( and everyone at Schulof
    And everything you do for all the animals.

  3. So happy to hear that he is safe and will hopefully find a great home……

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