Women In Finance Wield RAWW Power

Nearly 4 dozen women Westport women working in alternative finance have power.

RAWW power.

The acronym stands for Rockin’ Alts Women of Westport. Begun as a networking group to support each other professionally in hedge funds, private markets, venture capital and more — as well as personally — RAWW has quadrupled quickly.

It’s an invigorating forum for “like-minded, fierce working women in the alternative investment community,” says co-founder Rachel Markus.

They swap ideas about trends, resources, best practices and board opportunities; share commuting woes — and instill confidence in each other.

RAWW’s meeting last week, at the Boathouse restaurant.

Connections have been made by sitting together on the Wheels2U shuttle, an introduction from a former client, and meeting at a New York work event.

Markus sourced a designer for marketing projects from a group member. Members met up at conferences in Florida and California. A new LinkedIn group has proven to be robust. The possibilities are limitless.

It’s a remarkable group, and they leverage their knowledge and connections for maximum impact.

RAWW began with a few women — mostly new to Westport — looking to connect with others working in the same field. As the network grew to 45, they gathered for lunch, drinks, even a yoga class.

Their lunch last week was the biggest live event yet.

Markus invites women in alternative finance to join Rockin’ Alts Women of Westport. Contact her via email: RachelMarkus10@gmail.com.

2 responses to “Women In Finance Wield RAWW Power

  1. Jennifer Jackson

    What a fascinating group of women. Can’t wait to hear what they accomplish!

    • Eric Buchroeder

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