Unsung Hero #287

The men and women who volunteer their time with Westport PAL — officers, parents, and those with those whose own children have graduated, or who have no kids at all — are true heroes.

But few have the longevity of Howie Friedman. The PAL writes:

“In 2000, Howie Friedman channeled his basketball experience into serving the Westport community. 

Howie Friedman

“Noting that young basketball players in town were looking to develop their skills, he created the Westport PAL Basketball organization.  This travel program offered a chance for youngsters to play at a more competitive level, through the Fairfield County Basketball League and various tournaments. 

“Over the years, the PAL Basketball program has helped hundreds of young players build skills, learn team play, and instill values of sportsmanship. 

“The PAL Basketball program is strengthened by a close partnership with the Staples boys and girls programs. PAL players are provided opportunities to interact with high school players, and meet their coaches.

“Over the past several years, PAL Basketball has also participated in events with the Westchester Knicks, Jr. Knicks and NY Knicks, through clinics and playing in pre-game and half-time scrimmages at Madison Square Garden and Bridgeport Total Mortgage Arena.

“After nearly a quarter century at the helm, Howie is proud of how the program has grown. He is ready to retire, and transition the program to a new president.  He looks forward to seeing the program evolve even further.

“Please join us in thanking Howie for his dedication to the organization, and the countless hours he has volunteered to build the program.”

“06880” joins the Westport PAL in congratulating Howie: a true Unsung Hero!

(Do you know an Unsung Hero? Email 06880blog@gmail.com)

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3 responses to “Unsung Hero #287

  1. Carlos Garcia

    Howie did a great job running PAL Bball and will be missed.

  2. Elaine Marino

    I echo Carlos Garcia’s sentiments. Howie is a Westport treasure!

  3. Carolyn Cohen

    Thanks, Howie!! Enjoy retirement!