Unsung Heroes #238

Alert “06880” reader and RTM representative Kristin Schneeman writes:

I walked into Coffee An’ this morning to get my stressed high schooler a chocolate frosted on the way to school (and something for myself, of course).

Two men were having breakfast at the counter. Another was at the register. He ordered something to go, but realized he didn’t have his wallet.

The men at the counter quickly offered to cover his tab. When he thanked them profusely, they joked that he should get some more food.

Good things happen at Coffee An’. (Photo/Katherine Bruan)

This was one of those random acts of kindness that warms your heart, especially at a time when we often seem to retreat into ourselves, and divide across all sorts of lines.

Buy a stranger a cup of coffee and a donut. It’s good for the soul!


Equally alert reader Catherine Iffland writes:

Earlier this month around noon, I shopped at Trader Joe’s.

My car was parked across the street in the CVS lot. With 3 full shopping bags in my arms, I distractedly attempted to cross the Post Road without checking both ways.

I would like to thank the man who grabbed my arm to stop me as I stepped off the curb into traffic. I fell but did not injure myself, except scratches on my hands and knees.

He saved my life. When I turned to thank him, he was gone.

Crossing this street can be extremely dangerous.

Are these the most heroic acts we’ve ever honored, in our Unsung Hero feature?

Of course not. But as Kristin Schneeman and Catherine Iffland know, little things mean a lot.

It’s small actions like these that play a big role in putting the “home” into “home town.”

(If you know an Unsung Hero, email dwoog@optonline.net)


3 responses to “Unsung Heroes #238

  1. Every random act of kindness even as “small” as nice smile makes the world a better place. I love it. David

  2. Wendy Goldwyn Batteau

    It’s also great that people notice these acts and call them out to the rest of us. Inspiring and really cheering, especially these days!

  3. Robert M Gerrity

    And thanks to Ms Braun for the NOW photo of Coffee An’. How many food provenders on the corner across the street has it seen in, what?, 7 or 8 decades? A must-have-been-there-forever place in ever-changing Westport. Where my Dad would stop after working a morning funeral for Hardings. He liked the soups there.