Online Art Gallery — Week 107

The art gallery is quiet this week. Maybe most artists are away on spring break.

Or maybe they’re creating intriguing new art.

As always, we appreciate everyone’s submissions. This gallery is open to all readers. Whatever your age and level of experience — professional or amateur, young or old. In every medium. On every topic.

All genres are encouraged. Watercolors, oils, charcoal, pen-and-ink, acrylics, lithographs, macramé, jewelry, sculpture, decoupage and (yes) needlepoint — whatever you’ve got, email it to Share your work with the world!

Untitled. Peggy Lehn created this watercolor of Burying Hill, her childhood beach.

“No Need for Yoga if You Can Do This” (Lawrence Weisman)

“Hawaii: The Big Island (Karen Siegel)

“Leftover Love” (Nany Axthelm)

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