0*6*Art*Art*0 — Week 2 Gallery

Last week, “06880” debuted “0*6*Art*Art*0.”

Every Saturday, we’ll share readers’ artwork. Professional, amateur, old, young  — send us your painting, collage, sketch, photo, sculpture, chalkwork, cartoon, whatever.

The only rule is it must be inspired by, reflective of, or otherwise related to the times we’re going through. We’re all experiencing tons of emotions, and art is a wonderful way to express (and share) them. Email your submission to dwoog@optonline.net.

Here is today’s gallery.

Keep the submissions coming. If yours is not posted yet, be patient. There will be more next Saturday. And, unfortunately, for some time to come.

Joanie Landau’s “Hope” was inspired by Robert Indiana’s “Love.”

Brandon Malin’s medium is photography. The Staples High School senior’s drone shot of downtown Westport — empty at night, in the midst of the pandemic — is striking.

Untitled, Beth DeVoll

Artwork by Merri Mueller’s young Fillow Street neighbors Addie and Nora (ages 4 and 6)

“Compassion” (Miggs Burroughs)

Ellen Greenberg made “The Birds and the Bees” for a friend’s first baby shower (postponed now until after the birth). She dropped it in a sealed bag at her friend’s house. The expectant mom is a beekeeper. “I want her to remember their joy, and the love of all their friends during these challenging times,” Ellen says.

Amy Schneider’s collage expresses how she feels these days.

“Peaceful Valley” (Laura Loffredo, age 8)

“The Low Hum of Anxiety” (Jennifer Sabella)

“Comforting” (Lawrence Weisman)

Julie Van Norden painted this last year. “Prophetic about social distancing,” she says.

Emma Nordberg, age 15, took this photo during the first week of quarantine. “Despite the virus, it’s a beautiful spring,” she says.

4 responses to “0*6*Art*Art*0 — Week 2 Gallery

  1. Thanks Dan. Nicholas Clarke

  2. Werner Liepolt

    I really the art you’ve submitted 06880ers and you’ve chosen, Dan.

    The writing and comments you publish are always meaningful; Westporters’ art reveals a deep current of feeling and wisdom.

    • Thanks, Werner. This really is an artists’ community! And your great piece is in the queue. You’ll be in great company when it’s posted, for sure.

  3. Sharon Paulsen

    Enjoying this whole artwork series you’ve started Dan!

    The two young artists creating chalk-paintings on the road are really on to something there! Talent that really sticks out, not to say less of the other submissions!

    And it reminded me of my childhood, when a girlfriend and I practically “painted” her entire parent’s driveway in chalk!