RIP, Raymond Lewis

Raymond Lewis died in 2001. He was just 24 years old.

I don’t know him. Nor do many other Westporters.

But today, plenty of people are talking about him.

The other day, a headstone appeared outside 1 Main Street. That’s the entrance to PoP’TArt, a pop-up gallery in the space previously occupied by Calypso. For many years it was a small spot outside the original Westport Public Library, at the foot of the Post Road. In the 1960s, when it was a favorite place for scruffy teenagers who (supposedly) used and sold drugs, it was called Needle Park.

Now it looks like Raymond Lewis’ final resting place.

Except it probably isn’t, of course.

No one knows when or how the headstone appeared.

No one — at least, no one I’ve talked to — knows who Raymond Lewis is either.

If you have any information on this mystery, click “Comments” below.

(Hat tips: Mary Palmieri Gai and Frank Rosen)

4 responses to “RIP, Raymond Lewis

  1. I believe it has been confirmed this is part of the Pop Art exhibit.

  2. According to the curator of Pop’t Art it is
    part of the current exhibit.

  3. So, I guess anything and everything can be considered art…
    Funny, I saw what I thought was Dog excrement on the sidewalk the other day, and then I realized it was just Poop’t Art

  4. Can someone call your local cemetery…you are missing a head stone!