Community Garden Visitor

Dorothy Rolla was at the Community Garden yesterday, when she spotted a hawk perched on the pergola.

(Photo/Lou Rolla)

(Photo/Lou Rolla)

She and her husband Lou admired its beauty and majesty. Meanwhile, the hawk was searching for nesting rodents, and perhaps waiting to enjoy some fine Westport produce.

4 responses to “Community Garden Visitor

  1. I see the hawk every day looking to eat my chickens!

  2. Ellen Greenberg

    Fabulous photo Lou.
    Can we entice the hawk to stay and keep the woodchuck out of the garden?

  3. Joyce Barnhart

    The rodent seems to have returned to the 100’s again. Come visit us, birdy.

  4. Nancy Powers Conklin

    And, then it came to my backyard looking for more to eat!