It Takes A Village To Raise A Village…

…and in today’s interconnected world, those 2 villages can be halfway around the world.

In 2009, T. Sampath Kumar started an organization called Save Our Daughters India. It helps orphaned girls continue their education beyond high school.

His granddaughter, Maddy Sampath, is a rising senior at Staples High School. On visits to India she has volunteered at the orphanage in Coimbatore.

Maddy Sampath (center), with 2 girls from the orphanage in India.

Maddy Sampath (center), with 2 girls from the orphanage in India.

Spending time with far less fortunate girls her own age inspired Maddy. She, 8 Staples friends and her Bedford Middle School sister Maya spent this past 2nd semester organizing a fundraiser. They secured silent auction donations and corporate matching grants.

The event was run in collaboration with the Westport Rotary Club. Maddy’s grandfather is a Rotarian too.

They raised $10,000. The result: the 2015 graduating class of 13 orphan girls will go to college.

You probably didn’t hear much about this. Maddy and her friends worked quietly, but efficiently. And very, very effectively, to change the lives of 13 teenage girls, on the other side of the globe.

Maddy (left) and Maya Sampath, with their grandfather T. Sampath Kumar.

Maddy (left) and Maya Sampath, with their grandfather T. Sampath Kumar.


2 responses to “It Takes A Village To Raise A Village…

  1. Sally Palmer


  2. Mrs. Essagof

    Thanks Maddy and Samantha for helping to make the world a better place, both GFS grads, you make us all proud.