Elvira’s Gets What It Deserves

Alert “06880” reader Tom Feeley was in Elvira’s yesterday.

He’s a regular at the Old Mill deli/grocery store/community center.

So are plenty of other Westporters.

But — no matter how often we get our coffee, pizza, a salad or wrap at a regular place — how many of us think to send it a Christmas card?

Plenty, apparently.

This season, Elvira’s is exhibiting dozens of cards from grateful customers.

They even crowd out the school photos of local kids that Niki, Stacy, Nick, Harry and the crew proudly display on the front counter.

Elvira’s is that kind of place.

So — as they say back in Elvira’s homeland — Καλά Χριστούγεννα!

10 responses to “Elvira’s Gets What It Deserves

  1. The epitome of a great mom & pop store. Happy holidays to their entire staff.

  2. Lisa Marie Alter

    Hey, Elvira’s is the “Cheers” of Westport — “where everybody knows your name”… !

    Thanks Dan, thanks Tom, thanks Nik & Stacy… you guys all rock (however you say that in Greek ! 😉

  3. They are the best !

  4. Great food, friendly faces, the best joint in Westport.
    Merry Christmas, Elvira’s. We love ya!

  5. The Dude Abides

    Indeed, always somone laughing in Elvira’s. Contagious.

  6. Thank you so much Dan!!!!!! Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a very Happy New Year!!!!!
    We absolutely love all of you always!!!
    With a smile!! 🙂
    Niki, Stacy, Nick and Harry

  7. Eeek…we haven’t sent our cards out yet. We always look forward to being part of the Elvira’s tradition!

  8. Elvira’s is our home away from home, our “2nd kitchen” – and everyone ALWAYS loves to “hang out” in the kitchen!! Happy Holidays! Thank you for this story Dan.

  9. VETDOC at Compo

    Elvira’s is the best!

    Great food and it’s ALWAYS served with a smile.

    May the blessings of Christmas be upon you all and throughout the new year.

    See you in 2012!

  10. Love Elvira’s……….

    They are all sooooo nice!

    Merry Christmas guys!