PAL Fireworks And Parking Passes: The Back Story Many People Miss

Since 2003, Westport PAL has awarded over $400,000 in college scholarships.

In the past few years they’ve donated $153,000 to the Field of Dreams turf field project, $49,000 to Westport Baseball and Softball, $23,000 to Special Olympics, $15,000 to the Compo Beach playground, and hundreds of thousands of dollars more to many worthy, kid-related causes.

Each year, they help sponsor the 4th of July* fireworks. They are allowed to sell a maximum of 2,000 Compo Beach parking passes. The cost — $35 per vehicle — has not risen in years.

Last year, they sold fewer than 1,900. Yet an estimated 15,000 party-goers thronged the beach, for the best community event of the year.

You do the math.

A small portion of the very large crowd.

Westport PAL was organized in 1948. A few years later, they started the fireworks tradition.

It takes a ton of work. The volunteer organization partners with the Westport Police, Fire and Parks and Recreation Departments; EMS; Fireworks by Grucci — and many others — to make the event a smash.

About 20 years ago, PAL offered to hand it over to the town. First Selectwoman Diane Farrell said thanks, but no thanks.

Everyone — including out-of-towners — pitches in to make the fireworks a success.

The fireworks is PAL’s biggest fundraiser of the year. Proceeds help run programs in football, lacrosse, basketball, wrestling, cheerleading, rugby and track. They impact thousands of boys and girls each year.

In addition to the recipients of PAL money listed earlier, recent donations include $24,000 for health and wellness programs, $20,000 for lights at Staples High School, $5,000 for wrestling mats, $2,000 for a WWPT-FM Wrecker Radio tent, thousands to Staples’ Gridiron Club — the list goes on and on.

The fireworks is a true community effort. Melissa & Doug — the internationally highly regarded, locally owned children’s toy company — generously covers the cost of the actual pyrotechnics each year. (Grucci offers 3 levels. Westport’s is the top-tier.)

Happy birthday, America! (Photo/Suzanne Sherman Propp)

But PAL picks up other costs: the barge ($15,000 a day). The Cobra marching band, with Sapphire dancers. The Nassau County bomb squad. Food and drinks for police, fire and Parks and Rec workers (beyond what Jersey Mike’s provides). This year, PAL is even springing for a new barge mooring.

PAL president Ned Batlin, and past president/current vice president Sam Arciola, are both Staples grads. They grew up going to the fireworks — and playing PAL sports.

They want Westporters to know: Those $35 parking passes are not a ripoff.

They’re a bargain.

Parks and Rec operations supervisor Dan DeVito helps collect tickets. The process is quick and easy.

Last year’s non-sellout — despite the packed beach — was part of a trend. Some fireworks-goers arrive by Uber. Others park — as far away as the Children’s Community Development Center on Hillspoint Road — and walk in.

Of course, there are people like the homeowner on Soundview Drive. Like many neighbors, he throws a huge fireworks bash every year.

But he also buys 30 parking passes, and gives them to guests. He wants to support PAL; he doesn’t want friends to freeload.

Party on Soundview!

“One of our longtime executive directors, PJ Romano, used to say, ‘It’s all about the kids,'” Batlin says.

“PAL — and the fireworks — is all about local police and citizens who really care about the town, and everyone in it. We want to keep doing what we’re doing. But if we don’t sell out, it really handcuffs our ability to help.”

That’s the back story too few people know. So pony up, Westporters. PAL needs you to buy those fireworks parking passes.

They’re available at the Parks & Rec office in Longshore (opposite the golf pro shop) during business hours, and 24/7 at police headquarters (50 Jesup Road). You can pay by cash or check (“Westport PAL”).

If — er, when — they sell out, you can buy a pass to park at Longshore. Dattco donates buses, which shuttle back and forth to the beach from 5:45 to 11 p.m.

With a police escort.

*Okay, the 3rd of July. You know what I mean.

Westport’s fireworks are timeless. This shot is from 2016. (Photo/Patricia McMahon)

16 responses to “PAL Fireworks And Parking Passes: The Back Story Many People Miss

  1. Learning more about Westport reading Dan Woog than I learned in 20 years.

  2. Dick Lowenstein

    Is PAL a 501(c)(3)? Anyone know?

  3. Robert Harrington

    Thanks Dan – Thanks to all in PAL and Melissa and Doug – and everyone else that makes this possible. $35 is a bargain. This town is so lucky to have an organization like PAL and an amazing event like this.

  4. Alan Phillips

    We go to a friends party and park at their home but we purchase a pass every year to support pal.
    Pal should make it easier to buy a pass.. or donate by creating an on line ticket option.
    They could accumulate emails of those who purchased online and have a ready data base to remarket them yearly. Plus dan can add a link to his annual reminder and business would boom.

    Happy 3rd everyone!

  5. Richard Fogel

    they should make the fee sky rocket

  6. Mark L Yurkiw

    I’m all for supporting the PAL event fundraiser but I stopped going to it a few years back after I found I was spending more time in hot cars polluting traffic ques than at the event. Perhaps that’s why it didn’t sell out last year. Could it be that people found other ways to get there rather than driving, and not buying tickets because they didn’t need one to get in? I was envious of the crowds of people walking & biking …comfortably, seems the statistics bear out that possibility.

  7. Joshua Stein

    Thank you to PAL and Melissa & Doug! Yes I agree, an online option to buy/donate may help!

  8. Megan Acquino Slingo

    Great Suggestions!! We will definitely look into making the ticket purchasing an easier more mobile process.
    In the meantime..please visit our Facebook Page!! We do accept online donations and there is a link to our Donation Page
    Also, we would greatly appreciate the “LIKES” and a larger following!

    Megan Acquino Slingo
    Member & Facebook Admin
    Westport PAL

  9. Thank you for writing this Dan. It really is the best party/night of the year. For what it’s worth, 55 plus years ago when I was a little kid it always took an hour to get out of the beach. Just part of the drill.

  10. Cash or check in person? What year is this…?

  11. Eleanor Sasso

    Can you purchase a pass if you’re an ex-Westporter..?!

  12. Kelly Arciola

    I think the point of this great article that Dan wrote is to contribute to the PAL fireworks, whether you are going to a friends that’s hosting a party, walking or riding a bike. A $35.00 donation is not a lot to ask for for a great night of friends, family and laughter. The men and women who volunteer and work this night give so much of their time and they don’t get to spend it with their family and friends. I can’t imagine that if things keep going the way they are that their may not be anymore fireworks. Hope everyone supports PAL for all they do!