Pic Of The Day #341

Pink house at Old Mill Beach (Photo/Betsy P. Kahn)

7 responses to “Pic Of The Day #341

  1. Colleen Lane

    Have always loved this house ❤️

  2. So lovely! What memories of another time in Westport. One of my favorite books from the Westport Public Library was The Pink Maple House which I read at least twice a year. This fits my memories of both the book and the house. Thank you. https://www.amazon.com/Maple-House-Christine-Noble-Govan/dp/1614274436/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=

  3. Tom Feeley Sr

    A beautiful lady lives there🙏

  4. And I hope there’s still that wonderful pink VW convertible that goes with the house.

  5. Rhona Lieberson

    Makes me smile to know other folks in our beautiful Town enjoy this Beauty!!!! So many good times here!!!! including Fire Works gatherings.!!! Our family tradition.
    Enjoy Life!!!!

  6. Nancy Wilson

    The most warm and friendly place to be. My second family where many memories have been built.