The Last Slice

Tomorrow, this scene will be part of Westport history:

(Photo/Ted Stonbely)

(Photo/Ted Stonbely)

After 45 years, Westport Pizzeria is closing its Main Street doors. The narrow, never-changing restaurant, with its skinny tables, small stools, and special smell — all will be memories, after the last slice is served tonight.

But all is well. Tomorrow, “the pizzeria” opens at its new location: 143 Post Road East, across from the old post office.


8 responses to “The Last Slice

  1. Sad to see the landscape Change of downtown Westport… Even sadder to see …more find out… That another chainstore will be taking over the multiple spaces that are vacated there …so is life and business in Westport

  2. Remember when it was S&M pizza. My sisters and I were old enough to giggle but we didn’t know exactly what it meant! Glad they found a new place, sad to see it go.

  3. Now it will be bigger and better! Maybe they can get Tony Dohanos to paint a mural on the walls 🙂 While it is very sad to see what downtown has become, I am happy for Wspt Pizzeria that they had the foresight to buy this building and will continue the tradition. Boy what I would give for a slice of their pizza right now 🙂

  4. Miggs needs another poster “Save Main Street Now.”

    TOO LATE 🙁

    Time for Roy Orbison’s ” IT’s OVER !”

  5. Would the 10000 sq ft limitation prevent the neighbor from moving into the location and, if so, might such a restriction have preserved this small piece of Westport?

  6. I hope they bottled up that classic Westport Pizzaria aroma and pipe it through the vents at the new place…just saying:)

  7. Any local readers attend the last night on Main St? Was it packed?

  8. Ann Taylor had its first store in New Haven in 1954. It was owned by the Liebeskind family. It was on Chapel Street.