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Anti-Asian Prejudice: Another Westporter’s View

An “06880” reader writes:

The recent “06880” posts about racism against Asians in Westport prompt me to write about an incident involving my son and another middle schooler. This incident was awful for our family, and I had been determined to keep it private.

Today however, I’m hoping it will become something that informs and furthers a dialogue about racial intolerance.

Last year, beginning in the fall, my son was bullied on his bus by a boy 2 years older. The bullying included racial slurs like “I’m going to tear off your head and dumplings will fall out,” and playing loud, screeching music with Asian-sounding lyrics while telling my son it was the music of “his people.”

Prejudice against Asians in Westport is not as overt as this. But it is absolutely here.

I reached out to this boy’s mother. She made him write a letter of apology to my son. She also  insisted they come to our home to apologize in person. They came to our home, he apologized, and we were happy the matter was settled.

Months later I learned the bullying had not stopped.

In early March, the public schools announced they would close for 2 weeks due to COVID. The kids got onto the buses for what would become their last ride that year.

The same boy came up to my son and asked, “Do you know how COVID is transmitted?” Then he spit on my son. The kids who witnessed the spitting laughed.

To this day, no one from the school system has reached out to offer my son closure.

Again, I have no interest in escalating emotions, pointing fingers or organizing a witch hunt. I only write this to stress the importance of education in schools about racial intolerance. And, perhaps, bullying.

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