Tag Archives: graffiti

I-95 Graffiti: The Sequel

Yesterday, “06880” posted photos of a less-than-stellar job the state did removing graffiti from the Sasco Creek Bridge over I-95.

Not far away, there’s some more they completely missed.

Alert reader Seth Schachter says that this handiwork has been up for several months, at the I-95 Maple Lane underpass:

Maple Lane - Seth Schachter

So, readers, which is worse: This stuff, or the paint job on Sasco Creek?

Be Careful What You Wish For

A while back, graffiti appeared on the Sasco Creek Road railroad bridge, near Southport Beach.

Eventually, state workers got around to painting it over.

Tom Arnold is not pleased.

Sasco Creek Road railroad bridge - Tom Arnold

The alert “06880” reader — who is not, presumably, the oft-divorced actor with the same name — calls the paint job “an insult to Westport. They made absolutely no effort to match the color.”

In fact, he says, “the graffiti was better than what’s there now.”

Sure, it’s a First World problem.

But it’s ours.

More Changes On Elm Street

While Westporters were admiring the Kemper-Gunn House’s new location in the Baldwin parking lot — where all sides of the structure are visible, after years in the Y’s shadow — a different “renovation” took place across the street.

Here’s a shot of the walkway, and the side of the building between Elm Street and Main Street.

Elm Street walkway

It must have taken the graffiti “artists” a while do that — in a very visible spot.