Pic Of The Day #1923

A toast to South Beach (Photo/Judith Katz)

4 responses to “Pic Of The Day #1923

  1. Peter Barlow

    This is an intriguing idea but I think it could be improved. The most interesting object is the stem of the glass which we hardly see but it is picking up some sunlight like a gem. The hand looks awful – some other positions could be tried – maybe more stylish, befitting a glass of wine. That said, I looked at the photo for about ten minutes.

  2. LOVELY!!! I love your hand 💛 I love the whole thing, and I (also) looked at this photo for a very long time✨✨✨

    • Danielle Dobin

      Agree completely. Stunning photo of an authentically beautiful Westport moment. Cheers to Summer!

  3. I sure hope that is plastic, as there is no glass permitted on Compo Beach.