Pic Of The Day #1781

Jonathan Prager says: “Many nights when the tide and timing work out, I take ‘lunar low tide walks’ through the tidal flats between Compo and Longshore. The setting and scenes are breathtaking, uplifting, inspiring and magnificent.” (Photo/Jonathan Prager)

6 responses to “Pic Of The Day #1781

  1. What is the structure at the bottom of the picture?

  2. Jonathan Prager

    Hi Jayt ’66,

    Thanks for asking. I believe it’s an old oyster trap.

    I call this picture, “Davey Jones Locker: Found.”

    It’s but one of a vast number of superlative sights — shimmering water, sand formations, ripples, indentations, drain channels, shells, bird webbing prints, railroad ties, foam — which I discover and revel in on my “lunar low tide expeditions!”

    Westport’s tidal flats, though largely undiscovered, rival those of Cape Cod.

  3. Linda Montecalvo

    Thanks for sharing these beautiful observations Jonathan.

  4. Jonathan Prager

    My pleasure.

    Thanks for saying so.

    Glad you appreciate them.

    Westport is a gorgeous place.

  5. Amy Schneider


  6. Linn Cotter
