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Friday Flashback #279

Robert Augustyn is an antique map dealer. He buys and sells items from all over the world. But as a longtime Westporter, he has a soft spot for anything with a local connection.

He recently found a great one: a business directory from 1854. He believes it once hung at the Westport train station.

It is the only known example from nearly 170 years ago. Westport as a separate community was not yet 20 years old. The train station was new too.

Even Gault — our oldest continuing company, by far — would not set up operations for another 9 years, around the corner.

Click on or hover over to enlarge.

It’s not easy to read (though the misspelling of the very important word “Bussiness” jumps out quite noticeably).

But what I wouldn’t give to go back in time and learn more about

Click here for a full description, or to purchase for $6,500.

The price probably sounds better in 1854 dollars.

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