Candidates’ Voter Guide: 2021

Before every local election for years, Westport’s League of Women Voters distributed a Voters’ Guide. Filled with biographies of candidates for every office — and, more importantly, their responses to very direct questions about key issues — they helped many Westporters decide who to vote for.

Back in the day, nearly every Westporter got those guides through the Westport News. The paper is still printed, but the guide is not.

Fortunately, the LWV Voters’ Guide is now online.

So if you want to know where the candidates for selectmen; the Boards of Education, Finance and Assessment Appeals; Planning and Zoning Commission, and the Zoning Board of Appeals, plus all 9 RTM districts, stand — as well as where to vote, get absentee ballots, even how to register — click here.

It took a massive amount of work to prepare. It’s well worth taking the time to download. (NOTE: It is the only literature you’re allowed to bring into your polling site.)

And — on November 2 — don’t forget to vote!

8 responses to “Candidates’ Voter Guide: 2021

  1. Laurie Goldberg

    Hi Dan – that link is not working…..

  2. Just want to point out that Tooker is a Republican even though she does not communicate that on her signs. It would be interesting to find out why she doesn’t want to let people know that she is a Republican. On the official ballot she lands in the Republican column. She just won’t admit it on her signage.

  3. Just an FYI about the printed version of this guide- the cost of printing is expensive- money that the LWV of Westport doesn’t have in its coffers. In previous years, some members paid out of pocket to get them printed. Any suggestions or donations are welcome.

  4. Wait. What?! We are supposed to base our votes on issues and candidates’ positions? I thought we were supposed to base our vote on the amount of yard signs on each corner?

  5. celeste k lacroix

    The Voter’s Guide published by the League of Woman Voters of Westport is our gift to our neighbors in Westport. This nonpartisan, non-edited (you are seeing the information as it was submitted by the candidate) is your best source of information about the candidates. It is designed so that you can download and print it and remember it is the only printed material that you can take into the polls with you.
    Now remember to VOTE!!!

  6. Donald Bergmann

    Our thanks to the LWV and to Dan Woog. I also note there will be debates held by the LWV, Chamber of Commerce, Earthplace and Sustainable Westport. I am hoping that demanding and specific questions, with specific answers will characterize those debates.
    Sadly, only two bodies, in addition to certain RTM Districts, have contested elections, the Board of Selectmen and the Planning and Zoning Commission. All nominees for the Board of Finance, the ZBA, the Board of Education and the Board of Assessment Appeals will be elected because our two major political parties, I think the blame lies mostly with the Republican Party, did not nominate as many candidates as the number of available seats. The RTC did nominate three candidates for the BoE, but Karen Kleine withdrew.. While I do not believe there are substantive issues in our Town that turn on the position of a political party, nevertheless competition for offices is usually important to a democracy.
    Don Bergmann