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Who Wants A Pond?

Margo Amgott lives in Greens Farms. It’s a great spot. She even has a pond.

Unfortunately, it’s in her driveway. The water is a result of a nearby construction project.

It’s made life miserable for her family. Still, she manages to see the glass — er, pond — as half full. On Thursday morning, she wrote:

Westport,  welcome to our newest water feature!

Our neighbor always had a pond. We were jealous. Now, thanks to other neighbors’ construction, we have one too!

Margo Amgott’s neighbor (the one with a real pond) helps out with the pond created by her other neighbor (the one with the construction).

Sure, sometimes I selfishly wish I could use my driveway, go home without putting on waders, or get the mud out of our grass and our shoes. But lakefront living has its little inconveniences, I guess.

This is so exciting. I wonder who I talk to about getting our lake on the town map?

Thursday afternoon, it rained. Briefly, but hard.

Margo no longer had a pond. By then it was a lake:

(Photos/Margo Amgott)

No report yet on what it looks like after yesterday’s downpour. Fingers crossed!


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