Pic Of The Day #1211

“Sign? What sign?!” (Photo/David Sampson)

15 responses to “Pic Of The Day #1211

  1. Tom Duquette, SHS '75

    Probably the same folks who “reserve” picnic tables and grills at Compo.

  2. Herbert van Wijngaarden

    It looks like the are crabbing for blue crab

  3. Marvin Frimmer

    I think the sign is illegal. The waterway enters into the long island sound.


    New signs this year at Burying Hill. Curious to learn why new rule. Maybe Covid distancing related?? And yes, the nice law abiding family is crabbing, fishing poles not in use. šŸ˜€

  5. Armelle Pouriche

    Great pix šŸ¤£

  6. Not sure about the legality, but the creek at Burying Hill was one of Westport’s top fishing spots a couple of decades back. From PAL fishing Derby’s for snappers for kids, to adults fishing for big blues and stripers during yearly fall
    migrations, my photo files are full of shots of anglers catching fish in the creek and from the beach. I was shocked to see the signs upon my return to Westport. Don’t know who’s idea it was but it is a shame and totally unfair to Westport’s angling fraternity. – Dick Alley

    • Does look like they are crabbing and their fishing poles are at rest. Hope they have fishing permits.

  7. They look like they are blue crabbing. Poles are resting ā€œat easeā€ on the wood barrier! Hope they have fishing permits!

  8. Jacque O'Brien

    Hi Dan, Weā€™ve lived here for 42 years and our children grew up fishing at the Burying Hill creek. Iā€™m wondering the same thing as Dick Alley. Could you possibly find out who made the decision and why?

    • Thanks, Jacque. Unfortunately I have no time to track down that information myself, but if any reader wants to tackle the question, I’m happy to report the result.

  9. In recent years, I have noticed a proliferation of signs by Westport Rec that reminds me of my grandmother’s housing project in the Bronx. (No loitering. No handball playing. No walking on the grass. Etc.) I can’t imagine the purpose of some of the rules, other than that someone has the power to make them.

  10. Micheal Perrwater

    Dan, mind your own business. No one likes a tattle tale. Let the kids fish for gods sakes. This is whatā€™s wrong with the town. Nosy busy bodies who canā€™t stay out of other peoples sh*t. You really think this was blog worthy? Stupid rules about fishing for a stupid town. Leave them be. No one here is from the fish and game department