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Deer Me!

Bob Weingarten is best known to Westporters as a house historian. But he’s also very interested in the land around local homes.

Bob doesn’t care if they were built in 1720 or 2020. If they attract deer — who may be very cute, but eat plants and carry ticks — he wants to help.

Here are a few preventive measures. 

First, there’s deer netting. It’s not aesthetically pleasing. But, Bob says, it helps.

Several people told Bob that placing soap near plants that deer love will prevent them from munching. He says the jury is out on this method.

Bob has been told that deer are afraid of foxes. He placed fox photos in areas where he’s seen deer. No word on whether they fall for this ruse.

Bob says that deer jump over his and his neighbor’s back yard fences. Bob placed this owl there, which seems to work.

Here — together — is an owl and foxes. The animal kingdom is ganging up on deer.

Right next to the owls on hardware shelves, Bob found deer repellent. It’s less environmentally friendly — but it can work.

(Photos/Bob Weingarten)

What’s your go-to deer prevention strategy? Click “Comments” below to share.

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