Pics Of The Day #1122

Springtime in Westport: “Gloria” in Gray’s Creek … (Photo/Patricia McMahon)

… and Myrtle Avenue downtown (Photo/Marcia Falk)

12 responses to “Pics Of The Day #1122

  1. Susan Hopkins

    Thank you, Patricia McMahon and Marcia Falk! Wonderful photos.

  2. Mary Cookman Schmerker

    Wonderful photos. I was especially pleased to see Gloria. I wondered if “she” had survived another winter.

  3. Arline Gertzoff

    Isn’t it time the funds be found to get Gloria ‘s rotting hulk out of there.Long past nostalgia

  4. Lovely….

  5. John Ritzcovan

    We, frequently, walk past the Gloria on our daily walks at the golf course. What is her history ?

    • Wendy Cusick

      This is Alan Sterling’s oyster boat. The last fisherman of Westport. Gloria was his his wife’s name.
      It sits their as a reminder of times gone by.
      Mr Sterling’s boat is taken care of by one of the locals. It’s in a protected shoal.
      Alan was a longtime Westporter and Staples grad. Dan and the CT Post newspaper have done articles on Mr Sterling.

  6. Patricia McMahon

    Gloria is a relic in Westport .
    I can’t imagine not seeing this wonderful piece of history as we drive or walk by it.

  7. Beautiful shots, & thanks for the links, Fan, to remind me of part of Alan Sterling’s story. So sad about the oyster poachers stealing his livelihood. Do you know if anything ever came of the case against the poachers &/or what’s going on w/the oyster bed leases now? Just curious to learn more & hoping for a happy ending : )

  8. J. Wandres

    Gloria — Iconically reminiscent of the sort of craft Bogie and Bacall used in The African Queen. Question from this ex-pat in Portland: Where, exactly, is this location in Westport?