Pic Of The Day #1104

“The other day, we had the most perfect barrel waves at Burying Hill that I have seen since moving here nearly 7 years ago, and visiting the beach nearly every day,” says Nico Eisenberger. “The water was glassy and clean. The light was dramatic. The peel was perfect — if you were a 6-inch surfer.”

6 responses to “Pic Of The Day #1104

  1. Kathleen Fazio

    My surfer husband often says the same thing when there are waves at Compo. I moved him from NJ shore to a pond! RI is not too far!

  2. Lovely picture….

  3. Very cool.

  4. Mark Bachmann

    Nice touch about the 6-inch surfer

  5. Patrick Church

    I would like to know as a patron of the Spotted Horse if Mr. McHugh and his partners are taking care of his employee’s with the the PPP SBA loan assistance. I hope so they are such a good staff and should be helped and valued.

  6. Leslie Beatus

    Hi. I would like to get in touch with Irene Strizver re her request to donate Furniture. I am a Westport resident. I volunteer for a Local consignment shop. Please text me at 203 216-5537 or call 203 237-0324. We can help. Thank you.