And They’re Off!

Every year on the first day of school, parents on Juniper Road and Caccamo Trail see their kids off.

Every year, they take photos.

Every year, it looks the same.

Except every year, the kids get older.

Still, the ritual never gets old.

(Photos/Pam Long)

3 responses to “And They’re Off!

  1. Students on blue ribbon drive off to Coleytown elementary!

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  2. When I lived in Westport as a child (1955-62), the school busses were owned by two local families and each bus had a single number, the Lockwoods and Cuseos. Mr. Lockwood, as I recalled, owned two older busses, 4 and 8. The newest bus was bus 7, owned by the Cuseos. Bus 8 was short and fat while bus 5 seemed a bit more sleek. Mr Lockwood himself drove one of his busses, which were stored at his residence by the Greens Farms School.
    And the busses either had only a pair of red lights on each side or a single center light. One asset is that they all had hoods, which might have been a safety factor in a front-on crash.

  3. I never went to school in August. That seems very strange. And I never went on a school bus. There was no bus for Sylvan Road. From 4th grade thru 12th grade I rode my bike to school.