Unsung Hero #104

The other day, Joan Nevin’s mother headed from Westport to Washington, DC, to see her granddaughter dance at the Kennedy Center. Joan usually accompanies her mother, but was away this time.

In Stamford, Joan’s mother got on the wrong train. Instead of Amtrak for Union Station, she boarded Metro-North to Grand Central.

Linda Hughes and Laura Wang — 2 Westport women on the same train — realized Joan’s mother did not know how to take the subway shuttle to Penn Station to catch Amtrak.

They took the time — and her mother’s suitcase! — and escorted her (“okay, they all ran!” Joan says) to the crosstown shuttle.

Linda Hughes and Laura Wang — and suitcase — waiting for the subway.

Linda and Laura stayed with her all the way — even making sure she got on the correct train.

“They gave their time, support and energy to my mother, for which we are immensely grateful,” Joan says.

“Without their help, she would have missed her very important event. Warmest thanks to Linda and Laura for their selflessness and kindness.”

“06880” could not put it any better. Thank you, Linda and Laura — and Joan, for sharing this inspiring story.

Joan Nevin’s daughter and mother, happy together at the Kennedy Center.

8 responses to “Unsung Hero #104

  1. Tracy Damianos

    WOWZA!!!! Westport at its finest!!!! Pay it forward all. We hear of so much sadness in our world, but I personally see much more goodness in people.

    • GIL Ghitelman

      This is one of your better Unsung episodes.
      Nothing wrong with other Unsungs but this
      one is really sweet.

  2. Luke T. Garvey

    Bravo! We need more of this.

  3. Lovely one to hear…

  4. Fred Cantor

    Love it!

  5. Athena Ploumis Bradley

    I’m especially giving Kudos to those Fine & WONDERFUL Ladies!
    That mistake seems like my kind of mishap ! Thank You for helping that Lovely Lady !.

  6. Jennifer Rosenwald

    Brava, ladies! What great role models you are for selflessness, generosity, and kindness. Thank you for that….

  7. What a kind, unselfish deed. We need more.