Friday Flashback #143

Years ago, the Bridge Street Bridge was renamed to honor William F. Cribari.

“Crobar” spent many years as the ever-smiling, often-dancing, always-vigilant traffic cop at the intersection of Bridge Street and Riverside Avenue.

But that was not his only post.

He was equally effective — though with less choreography — at the heavily trafficked Post Road/Main Street crossing.

This was a typical scene around 1985. Ships restaurant (now Tiffany) drew a steady crowd. So did the rest of downtown.

But Crobar was clearly in charge.

(Photo/Al Bravin)

14 responses to “Friday Flashback #143

  1. Morley Boyd

    I could really go for some of Ships’ onion soup right about now. Btw, love that white E30; one of the last of the truly modern BMWs where form follows function.

  2. He was someone who helped to make Westport the truly special place it was back then.

  3. Chip Stephens

    Who didn’t love crowbar and all his dancing saluting hand jiving traffic directions

  4. K.F. Spearen

    Great pic .. Seeing this brings back Great Memories

  5. Fred Cantor

    A wonderful photo that captures a moment and place in time so perfectly.

    Incidentally, I notice a couple of kids with their bikes in the background. Do kids still bicycle downtown?

  6. Seth Goltzer

    He was made famous conducting traffic on Candid Camera back in the 60’s.wonder if it’s on you tube? Also for wearing a Nickle Plated Colt revolver with Stag grips.

  7. Or, Morley, how about some of Ships’ incredible lobster bisque? Still miss that! Cribari was the Billy Elliott of Westport traffic.

    • Morley Boyd

      Oh right, the bisque! One bowl would change your life. Or so it seemed for the balance of the day. Good times.

      • Sharon Paulsen

        Both soups were so damn good! I can almost taste them now.

        Awesome memories coming up about the Ships!

  8. Kathryn Sirico

    A fabulous moment in time-only wish we could experience again!

  9. Andrew Colabella

    Cribari! A Westport legend.

  10. Sherry Jagerson

    Laguna Beach had their red shirted Greeter and we had our amazing Crobar.

  11. I remember him fondly, especially during my morning rush to the train station, always late, always in a hurry. One afternoon when I wasn’t rushing, he bought ice cream cones for my 3 small daughters – what a generous and definitive personality.

  12. Stacey Saccary

    This flashback Friday makes me so happy! I am beyond proud to call him my Grandpa. He was the most wonderful, honest, loyal and kind man. Words can’t describe how much I miss him!